💾10 best marketing tools to get influencers to work with your business

💾10 best marketing tools to get influencers to work with your business

10 best marketing tools to get influencers to work 
with your business okay you've thought about using   influencers but how do you go about it i mean do 
you just do you send them messages do you ask them   and the answer is no there are actually marketing 
tools and in this video i'm going to walk you   through the 10 best ones you're going to know 
exactly how to contact influencers you're going   to know what they cost you're going to know 
what their audiences are you're going to know   the pros and cons of each of these and i'm going 
to walk you through step by step as a matter of   fact i'll put them up on the screen so you can 
actually see these tools and see how they work   but before we get started don't forget to turn on 
all bell notifications click that subscribe button   below turn it from red to gray and turn all bell 
notifications so you're notified each and every   time i go live okay so contacting influencers why 
is that a little intimidating it can actually be   a little intimidating that's why these tools are 
so great guys i want to walk you through each one   you've got to market in a digital age now 
you've got to use what works now it's it's   different it's not like running newspaper ads 
or magazines ads anymore it's it's entirely   different so you got to jump into the new digital 
marketing age so let's get right into it and let   me start listing some of these and telling you 
all about them the first one i want to tell you   about is tracker so let's go over there and 
take a look at it okay here's tracker right   here it's a favorite of companies i mean zendesh 
uses it american airlines using it if you don't   mind investing just a little bit of cash and a 
little bit of your time to get the ball rolling   it actually helps you find influencers and target 
more in on your strategy you can find the best   appeal to these audiences and it can also help you 
nurture relationships with people you already have   you can make up really descriptive reports 
you can show exactly what progress you've made   and you can also narrow down your efforts a 
little bit more it's it's a decent program   it's a little bit on the pricey side but it really 
is an all-in-one solution for those who prioritize   influencer marketing above all else the next one i 
want to tell you about is buzzsumo bus sumo's been   around for a long long time and they really have 
a lot of features they help you find your niche   influencers they'll also predict how responsive 
they're actually going to be in advance from   competitors research to twitter profile search 
this is a tool that's really a favorite of mine   it's a daily to-go list just about any digital 
marketing task that you want to do you can keep   an eye on important metrics like retweets rate 
you can also see the reply ratios it gives you   a really good idea of your choosing influencers 
and the tend to talk back to their audiences   or if they're just broadcasting stuff i mean 
you want to know if they're actually connecting   the next one i want to tell you about is called 
pitch box pitch box pitch box is really the   top-end influencer marketing outreach tool 
it has a really robust prospecting feature   as well as all kinds of ways to help you get your 
contacts organized how to stay in touch with them   you can also do reminders you can do follow-ups 
you can check the status updates you can keep   your team updated on who of your influencers 
needs a follow-up it also proves to be very   responsive about the best ways to reach out 
one on one to these influencers when you're   making your email outreach strategy you want 
to be really cautious with your email tactics   make sure your emails don't look like 
spam this could actually hurt your brand   the next one i want to tell you about is linkedin 
now all of us understand we think we understand   what linkedin is um while it's often used for like 
business to business prospecting and outreach and   jobs and all that i've also found it's a really 
effective way to make the most of the platform   and to reach people behind different brands so 
that's pretty cool for example if your influence   or outreach involves media coverage you can find 
first and second tier connections at your local   publication you can reach out or you can get 
introduced through a common contact so you can   use it differently than what you think it may be 
my next one and one of my favorites is my blog you   now you won't get anywhere with influencer 
marketing without proper engagement so even   if you've got an influencer that's working for you 
and he's got a lot of followers or she's got a lot   of followers it's that actual interaction that you 
want my blog u is actually a community of experts   all in one place and they give it tips advice they 
nudge people they encourage people so it's really   a pretty cool place it also is a great place to 
get your content together such as you know sound   bites quotes you can imagine that it will make 
great resource for people who want to connect with   all these different influencers and do it on a 
one-on-one level while still leveraging their   own authority to do it next one i want to tell 
you about is co-schedule co-schedule's a little   bit different it's really one of the best ways to 
better build relationships and create content that   engages with your audience how many times have you 
seen a major influencer share a post or a video   or podcast because they like it a good example 
is george takei he brings millions of views to   a single post just by sharing it co-schedule 
is actually dedicated to helping you create   better content planning your collaborations and 
so that you can start reaching the influencer   visibility you've always dreamed of now my next 
one is agora pulse agora pulse agora pulse is   really technically i would have put this in the 
category with hootsuite because i use hootsuite   but i really like agora pulse for the pro platform 
in particular it uses the geo data alongside   hashtags and also profile info on instagram to 
create more targeted influencer reports for you   to use and to make your decisions based on there 
aren't really nearly enough instagram tools out   there so this is a must-have for anyone that is 
on a social photo site they have what's called a   cross-search feature uh and it's really special it 
allows for full custom optimization which i think   is really neat my next one i want to tell you 
about is one called keyhole now keyhole i wouldn't   say always works it really you just got to kind 
of try it out it's a little bit of a hit and miss   type thing it's not really that great for research 
on specific people that's not what it's there for   but you can use the real-time tracking you can 
identify patterns that show who is sharing the   most trendy post across twitter which really is 
going to lead to you to the influencers you want   you may not have found these people otherwise 
if you didn't know this stuff so this really   matters because influencer marketing isn't just 
about you know getting the biggest names to talk   about your business it's really about finding 
the ones who are most valuable to your brand   they may not even be as well known it could be 
a micro influencer or a nano influencer so this   may not always be immediately apparent and keyhole 
lets you look a little bit deeper and that's why   they call it keyhole the next one is fin tessa 
finteza finteza is more to find influencers   it includes outbound tactics you research you 
reach out you follow up you research again   that's not to be done on site yet there's one 
thing you can do you can create and you can   personalize your influencer driven landing page 
for those influencers to be sure to engage with   your brand once you get to your site finteza 
allows you to actually take all those people   record them enter them into your site through a 
specific page and generate a personalized call to   action to better engage with them so it feels more 
personalized um so you can target your influencer   landing page for example and you don't want to 
sell anything to them instead you may want to   invite them to download your lead magnet or claim 
their personalized freebies so that's kind of a   cool way to find influencers it's also good to use 
a facebook pixel on there to record everyone who   initially landed on your influencer driven landing 
page and that way you can actually remarket to all   these people and they can see it over and over and 
over again you know how that works the remarketing   where just that ad won't go away and my last one 
on the list is a little different it's called   follower wonk follower wonk i don't know where 
they come up with these names but it's really been   praised by so many people and and hailed as one of 
the best tools um to market for a long long time   i have not personally used this paid 
version but i have seen the free one a lot   and i can say it's one of the really coolest 
tools on the list that i'm telling you about today   because it's so reliable i 
found more twitter influencers   in searching on here to connect with in almost 
anywhere okay so that's a pretty complete list   and there's other tools that are out there i'm not 
going to say there aren't other tools out there   these happen to be what i think are my 10 best 
okay i've got my 10 best and these are it i would   tell you if you want to speed up your influencer 
research and you want to get the influencers that   are going to match your business the quickest i 
would use some of these tools guys you can do this   on your own without paying for any tools but you 
have to realize your time is worth something so if   you're spending all your time trying to find these 
influencers and wondering if they're any good   i mean you can spend hours weeks months just 
researching who to contact when you use one   of these tools you can really target the right 
people for your business you can look and see   how much influence they really have you can see 
if people are actually interacting with them   or if they're just doing a bunch of posts 
so these tools are really invaluable to you   on your own it's almost impossible to tell 
if the influence is going to be good for you   if they're going to post the way you want and 
if they're going to get the interaction you want   and if you're going to get conversions in sales 
so i highly recommend you using these tools   they're extremely valuable and it will save you 
so much time and keep in mind your time is worth   something don't try to do everything on the cheap 
i see people do this all the time i see people   mowing their own lawns i mean i used to mow my own 
lawn so i'm not gonna say anything about that but   if i go out there and mow my lawn and i don't make 
a video that video is going to make me a whole lot   more money i'm paying 35 bucks for a gardener to 
show up you know i can't i can't go out my yard   and work for three hours for 35 bucks it doesn't 
make sense and it doesn't make sense for you to   try to find your own influencers either i hope 
this worked out for you if you're an influencer   put your information below talk a little bit about 
what you do you don't know somebody may discover   you if you're looking for influencers post below 
what you're looking for somebody may see your   post and contact you i hope you found this video 
very valuable and if you did do me a favor give   me a thumbs up don't forget to hit the subscribe 
button down there turn it from red to gray and   ring the bell this is the most important thing you 
won't get this bell unless you subscribe you won't   have the opportunity to ring that bell unless you 
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every time i do a video or i go live thanks   so much for watching this video guys i really 
appreciate you and i'll see you in the next one hey thanks for watching my video don't 
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