How to Use Facebook Ads – Tutorial Guide Best Practices (2020)

How to Use Facebook Ads – Tutorial Guide Best Practices (2020)

So Facebook ads are the things really which makes my event successful. At the moment now, if-if-if Zook, mark zuckerberg goes and changes any of the rules around events or makes Facebook ads more expensive. Then this is kind of going to screw up this. This strategy, which I use at the moment but hey-ho whilst it’s rolling – and I reckon it will be fine for the next year or two at least I’m just going to roll with it so right. What I’m going to cover during this Facebook ad section is around the budget, the you’re planning to market your event so versus your event, lifetime value. If you’re jumping in at this point, I suggest you’d go back and and watch the slide about event lifetime value, because that’s quite important, I’m gon na go through the ad format. Again, I’m not a Facebook ad expert and I’m just telling you what I do and it seems to work and get people booked on for less than a pound per person. Sap per person booked at the moment, and so I’m just telling you what I know there’ll be other probably Facebook, ad experts out there, maybe watching this, who maybe I’ll get some tips out of it. Maybe they’ll help support some stuff that I’m missing, but I’m Jessica. I’M not an expert, I’m just telling you what I know so, I’m gon na go through what I do from an ad format perspective. Title descriptions calls to action and stuff like that, and it torch a little bit around split testing and the three different types of ads which I’ve tested and which one I’ve really kind of honed in and settled on. And then. Finally, I’m going to talk to you about kind of the actual Facebook ad structure from an audience perspective, so looking at look-alike audiences, custom, audiences and event, audiences, and things like that. I hope that’s cool, so kind of jumping about a little bit. But these are the three ads which I split tested. Basically, so let’s have a quick look, so we’ll come back to budget so kind of just to give you an idea, so I tend to have a basic image. Ad is actually kind of the least popular one. I then have a video ads, that’s kind of the second most popular one, and then this what I call a disruptive ad – and actually this has been the most popular one for me. So this is actually one of the diagrams one of my tools that I teach people about customer lifetime value, but for some reason it makes people stop and go back and have a look at the event and then, during those few seconds they then go. Oh, this is called it’s a free seminar in Cheltenham so yeah away, we go so you can see from the structure of the ad in terms of like so, first and foremost, and again, I um I got a give sort of hat tip. There’S a guy called Jamie Forrest jjp I was getting the name on japw marketing. Jamie Forrest is a Facebook Ads expert and he kind of helps me out with the ad structure. It started to introduce me to kind of audiences, and things like that. So I owe him an awful lot but um, but so he’s the one who can taught me this sort of structure. So basically, what we want to do is have like something really clear at the top of it, so who was speaking to business owners of Gloucestershire. So it’s location-based, it’s talking about our target market and then you’re invited so call to action. You’Re invited to a free seminar at the juries in Cheltenham on Friday, the 26th. So it’s got all of the basic details in there and then, if they click more, it’s going to get them, give them a few more details about what this seminar is going to do for them. Basically so there’s like three bullets and a couple of other details in there and then we’ve got the image like I said, and it says interested there. But actually, if you click into that ad, you then get the option to actually book a ticket directly from the Eventbrite, which is pretty cool, so I’ve split tested like numerous different ads. I mean I’ve spent thousands of pounds on Facebook ads and finally settled on this kind of being the most popular, but do always split test across your different audience. It may be that this thumbnail wasn’t right for this video or the video was too long, because this particularly videos about sort of two two and a half minutes, so people maybe didn’t watch all of it. This is a bit kind of too salesy, and people will probably just scroll past that potentially so I found this disruptive type of ads like make it colorful make it bright, make it like scribbles and a bit of a mess. It seems to attract people’s attention. It works for me, like I said so, then we’re kind of going to go into the budget side of things so now I actually set for the last event. I actually only ended up spending about 100 pounds to book 97 people onto the event, but actually I would have been willing, because I knew that if I, if I got if I filled the room up with 50 people, I’d have at least one maybe two ongoing Coaching clients, I’d, sell some people onto my group coaching program, so that would create and cus customer lifetime value in its own right and actually the the venue only cost me 250 quid. So I was willing to spend 300 pounds on Facebook ads. You know one of the key things is. What we want to do is run the ads right up to the day before the event, because people will still book at the last minute. I did this tsunami for my networking event and in January we had 17 people booked on the day before that 17 people out of 60 in total, who attended the event so scheduled it to to start straightaway and and literally like the day before your event and Like the time looks a bit roundabout, hey hope, so my event was on the 26th of Jan and then running out to all the time. Basically, you could schedule it if you wanted to to run between like the most popular times. You know like I. I know that my audiences tend to be online at lunchtime on Facebook and sort of lay Eve later on an evening once the kids are kind of gone to bed so sort of 7:00. I don’t know 10 p.m.

Ads manager

So you could potentially run it on schedule. I’Ve never split tested that and hey, maybe that’s something I should do, but I term lazy. So I just run the ads all the time. Basically, so next up we’re kind of getting into the the real guts of like the the Facebook Ads manager and like the control panel and there’s a few things that you’ll see in here, which will be familiar. So the the ad which we’re doing is an event ad and what ideally, what we want to do so this stuff on the right is really really important. We want this needle to be bolt upright so that it says that we’re not too specific we’re not too broad. Our audience is clearly defined. Now the green band actually goes like you know, for a big big part of it. Also, what we don’t want is, if potential reach to be absolutely massive, we don’t want it to be into like the hundreds of thousands I mean it depends on the event. I guess if you’re like Tony Robbins or somebody, you probably want it to be going out to hundreds of thousands people and you got the cash, but actually the reality is we want it to be very specific. So I’m talking about kind of local event based marketing. Here not, you could use this tactic if you wanted to do bigger events and probably actually, if I wanted to grow my fearless events, I probably take them to London or reading or Birmingham or a bigger city. You know so so that’s one way of doing it. Like I’m not going to draw people in to an event like, let’s be fair, I do but not from outside of Gloucestershire, probably and then the other thing is this estimated daily results. So what I try and do is I’ll adjust my budget basically to make sure that the reach is some we’re approaching a thousand people a day, because then, when you start reaching a thousand people a day, you get this. The second bar appear, which is for the estimated number of event responses, and so, if I’m getting six to twenty one event response to the day and reaching a thousand people a day, that’s pretty cool and actually so what? What it’s in terms like budget? That’S why it’s better off to start with a really high budget. Now what Facebook is going to do is eke out that budget over the course of the lifetime. So if you’re doing four week campaign, it leaked out and 300 pounds over the course of the event. So um, but what we want to do is is maximize the amount of event responses as quickly as you possibly can. So we may only be willing to spend three hundred quid, but if you’re brave with your budget and stick in three hundred quid knowing that you’ll probably get everybody booked on in that first week and it’ll only cost you a hundred quid, I mean Facebook’s like woohoo. This person’s, like gon na spend 300 quid so they’re like yeah. Let’S just throw this out all over the place and one will get loads of engage people and we’ll give it to the right people, but actually what you do is you spend a hundred quid get your 7 to your 97 bookings and switch it off and you’ve Only spent a hundred quid so actually being brave with this this budget and the scheduling is like absolutely vital and ideally like. I said we want to get to this point whereby we’ve got this. This estimated daily reach up over a thousand and and this event responses thing pops up, because that’s just triggered something in Facebook’s algorithm, say this guy’s promoting events and he’s got budget for it. So I’m I’m not going to go too much into creating custom audiences, there’ll, be loads of sort of advice and tips and tricks and stuff like that out there. How I do it is, I create a basic custom audience if everybody who’s attended. My events in the past and pumped that into Facebook the moment it’s about six or seven hundred people, and then I create a look-alike audience based on that of the clip and basically look at how it look like audiences work. Is they give you the closest 1 percent of people in so I’ve chosen in terms of my look-alike audience, people based in the UK so there’s 41 registered 41 million registered Facebook users in the UK so that any look-alike audience you you create the first 1 %. Will always be if it’s UK targeted 410,000 odd people, and that seems like a lot and you’d be like wow. That’S too many, that’s not that’s not very targeting, but actually what it’s done is out the 41 million people it’s got to pick from in the pool. It’S chosen a thousand people who the one percent of people who look the most like that initial list of people who’ve attended events does that if that makes any kind of sense, so it should be the four hundred and fourteen thousand people who are most closely associated To my target market next up – and this is one of the biggest mistakes actually so so, first of all, when I am my first event, I did where I was booking people like seven to ten pounds per seat. I didn’t have a look-alike audience like this. I didn’t have a location. I wasn’t really aware of this sort of stuff going on over here. So the moment I created a detailed look-alike audience based on people, who’d attended my event, the event bookings and for my Bristol event dropped down to about between. I know it’s about four pounds ish, so it halved pretty much. The next thing is this location thing here now most people will go my events in Cheltenham so I’ll do a 40 kilometer radius and round Cheltenham. Now again, that’s quite vague, so there’s something called poly. Agonal searches um – this is probably the stuff for the like Facebook ad gurus. Don’T want you to know because they’re like this is our secret sauce like why this guy’s telling you it like. This is a secret sauce, I’m giving you now and it works for me and hey by the way like when you’re first starting out with Facebook ads like the money you spend, isn’t wasted. It’S information-gathering, like you, will waste a lot of money on Facebook ads before you get it right. I certainly have so I’m trying to save you a few quid here so GL. One two is what we call a poly. I can all post code search. So it’s not it. Basically, it’s a very specific, like grid on a map of where that location sits and what happens is we’re going to target people who specifically live in that location, because we know that they’re more likely to come to our event because they live closer to it. So if you want to know more about this, like you’re going to have to join, I’m not going to give you this list, you can go and find your own postcode lists if you want to, but I’ve got some great text files available if you’re a fearless Business member and to make that job a lot easier for you. So I can give you these poly agonal searches, but you’re gon na have to give me some juice, I’m afraid, because it took me a long time to get to work out where to grab that information from and which I know is a bit tight of me. I suppose I could help you out. Maybe you could just donate some beer tokens or something but but um like this when I started targeting specific poly agonal postcodes like this and my my cost per person, SAP again dropped by more than half, so it moved from about three to four pounds down to About one to two pounds, which was a massive difference, so just with these two things alone, I’ve moved from sort of seven eight nine pounds per person booking down to like a pound per person, booking it’s absolutely phenomenal when it works, and it doesn’t always work. It depends like there’s a lot of other variables like when you, when you launch your promotion like what are the promotions going on, and things like that, if you, if you run two ads similar ads at the same time, effectively they’re competing against each other. For this reach this traffic, so it could potentially cost you more. So there’s a lot of variables which which are kind of going on there. I again, I kind of tend to use sort of Faerie vague sort of demographics, like I want everybody to come along from 24 to 65. Now the last event, which I did again probably the first 10 people had booked. It were women and then Facebook decided. Well then, everybody who wants to go to this event female so so I had I had there was a it started to slide much more towards women, so I had to create another ad switch off my my women out, because I wanted I wanted them. I have them, I’m not focused specifically on women, i, but i wanted a mix of people and genders in the room and mixed demographics in the room, because again it all adds to the event. I think it’d be a bit weird if people turn it, I don’t know whether it’d be weird. Maybe I thought it was weird if everybody turned out to my event was female. I don’t know language make sure you put English UK in there, if you’re in England or wherever you’re based and target language – and I filled in this details in the in the screenshot but again 21,000 people in gloucestershire – that’s still quite vague, so I might want to Narrow that down, potentially and start to put in you know business owners, entrepreneurs whatever it might be so and you can also exclude people so you might choose to exclude, I don’t know, taxi drivers for whatever reason, maybe you got something against taxi driver. So if there are people you don’t want to, but there’s a you don’t see this box to start off with you have to there’s a little link which you have to click to exclude people. So if you put business owners, you even have to click another box and exclude taxi drivers. So it’s just a way of narrowing down your audience and making sure you have the right people booking to turn up to your event, cool and then so edit placement. So I’ve kind of played around with this I kind of settled on I prefer to target mobile only. I get better results through that occasionally I’ll test it, if that, if that mobile only is not working, I might do automatic placements and that Facebook do its thing. It’S entirely up to you. You’Ve also got the art that there’s various different things I mean I would look at what just look at Facebook’s help pages around kind of the different types of platforms and, what’s going to work best for your event and kind of again, it will depend on your Audience but for me mobile only or automatic plain placement, absolutely fine, whether you push it across to Instagram or not. It’S entirely up to you. If you got Instagram following optimized for a delivery, we want event responses. Bin amount automatic, so let Facebook do its work and if you do manual, you will end up paying too much and then charge. We want charges to be charged per impression. Basically, so every time this goes out to a thousand people we want to be. We want to be charged for it because, if I add structure is right, if I targeting is right, if our event is appealing and can produce value, we should get quite a good conversion rate. Now I haven’t actually looked in detail as to what my conversion rates are actually based upon. My impression and impressions are probably something I should look at, but again you can find that information in the in the what you call it. The Facebook Ads manager I’m waning. So I’m going to try and wrap this up soon, so here we go so a few stats, so this is again show differences, but so event responses. So again, by far this was my most. This was getting the best results for the least it cost me a little bit more, but it was getting me more people booking so and you know yes, these were cheaper and I suppose I could have switched that off and ramped up the spend on these. I did try that and ultimately this ended up being the center that costing me more because too many people were just scrolling past the image ad in the video. So I settled upon the it says: head shot there, but it’s not it’s the disruptive image. Basically – and you can see here, you know great relevancy – score lots of people taking action, we’re talking like 19 event bookings for 10 quid. At this point I think, like I said in the end I booked 97 people for just over 100 pounds like which is a pound a seat. I mean that’s, that’s amazing. You know you’re gon na get better results early on and then the ad will keep on getting repeated to the same people after that. So when, when this starts to kind of creep up, you probably want to start to think about duplicating your ad and tweaking a couple of things in it. Maybe change the ad copy or drop in another image, or something like that just so people get something different again, I’m lazy! I didn’t do it for this campaign, but if I was doing a bigger campaign, perhaps I would so so that’s that, basically so if you’ve got any questions like jump on to the either the business start at group on Facebook hit me up, so you can just Search like on Twitter for Robin Waite on Facebook, Instagram, I’m all over that you can buy one of my books take your shot there based on or online business, starts at there based on Amazon, and if you want to know more about Facebook ad side of things, Then, like get yourself booked in for a consultation with me, I, the consultation, won’t focus on Facebook Ads by the way, I tend to look at much more strategic perspective of your business, and we will be talking about whether coach business coaching is something for something for You but hey get in touch. Have you got any questions like potm into the potm into the feed below, and i will be sure to come back to you.

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